作曲:何維健, 唐達
Wake up every morning
腦袋 開啟自動更新 連上wifi
接收funny information
騎小摺biking 減碳 是最夯的流行
Everybody, listen up
Time to act, time to change
Show your love, show your teeth
Oh my god! Again, you win!
說八百遍要do something別說說而已
別讓自己 和鴕烏有相同基因
說八百遍想fall in love別只愛自己
身邊都是 你發過的誓的幽靈
Just keep it going, oh just keep it going
Just keep it going, yeah yeah yeah~You know
說八百遍想 改變 就從現在起
你行不行 不行我找消防隊來幫你
說要去學衝浪 只在 海邊當過色浪
想曬太陽 卻老是曬螢光幕的光
你老是放羊 難怪 腰圍越來越胖
只剩嘴巴 的肌肉越來越強壯
Everybody, listen up
Time to act, time to change
Show your love, show your teeth
Oh my god! Again, you win!
說八百遍要do something別說說而已
別讓自己 和鴕烏有相同基因
說八百遍想fall in love別只愛自己
身邊都是 你發過的誓的幽靈
Just keep it going, oh just keep it going
Just keep it going, yeah yeah yeah~You know
說八百遍想 改變 就從現在起
你行不行 不行我找消防隊來幫你
是不想做 或 做不到
只會哈啦 hey that was a foul
戴上手套 用力把心魔都knock out
Do it right now!
Everybody, listen up
Time to act, time to change
Show your love, show your teeth
Say no more, 這是這是命令
Everybody, listen up
Time to act, time to change
Show your love, show your teeth
Oh my god! Again, you win!
說八百遍要do something別說說而已
別讓自己 和鴕烏有相同基因
說八百遍想work out別呆在家裡
身邊都是 你發過的誓的幽靈
Just keep it going, oh just keep it going
Just keep it going, yeah yeah yeah~You know
說八百遍想 改變 就從現在起
你行不行 不行我找消防隊來幫你
Wake up every morning
腦袋 自動更新
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- Oct 03 Mon 2011 14:19
何維健-說了八百遍800 歌詞