
目前分類:2011年1月歌詞 (2734)

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You'll never be the sun turning in the sky
And you won't be the moon above us on the moonlit night
And you won't be the stars in heaven
Although they burn so bright
But even on the deepest ocean
You will be the light

You may not always shine as you go barefoot over stones
You might be so long together, or you might walk alone

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Oh it seems like only yesterday I walked across your shadow
You glanced, I smiled my life was there right in front of me
And when I took your hand and held it like there was no tomorrow
Angels are not of this world, nor are they meant to be

Come away with me to the waters and the wild
Come away if only for just a little while
I can't stay but you're forever in my heart and my mind
Come away before I have to open up my eyes to my waking world

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A little yellow house, sittin' on a hill
That is where he lived, that is where he died
Every Sunday morning
Hear the weeping willows cry

Two children born, a beautiful wife
Four walls and livin's all he needed in life
Always giving, never asking back
I wish I had a simple love like that

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Standing by the ocean watch it tear away the shore
Glide out upon the desert, the horizon is the door
And though your voice is shouting above the wind it can't be heard
Drop all sense of reason, it's there you'll find your own worth
And though you are surrounded, feeling quite alone
There's a light to guide you home

If you stand with your face to the wind off the water
At the point of lands end where the ocean begins

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When I'm less than I should be
When I can't face the day
When darkness falls around me
And I just can't find my way

When my eyes don't clearly see
And I stumble through it all
You I lean upon
You keep me strong

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O eirigi suas a thogha na bhfear
Is cuirigi pice ar bharr gach cleith
Leagaigi sios iad lucht an droch-chroi
Agus cuirigi dli na Fraince ar bun

Agus o bhean an ti, cen bhuairt sin ort?
O bhean an ti, fa dho no tri
Beidh an talamh gan chios on bhliain seo amach
Agus o bhean an ti, cen bhuairt sin ort?

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Far horizons hiding islands in a sea of blue
Quiet wonder, silent water, daydreams too
A smiling angel keeps a fairytale way beyond the stars
It will carry you if you want it to, as you are

Everywhere you go let your dreams surround you,
Everywhere you go, like a shooting star, a light in the sky
To guide you home

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When to your green valleys
Some day I return
When you lay your mantle around me
At rest I will be where the heart will not yearn
Then my land will ever surround me

For you are the song ever singing in me
And you are the heart ever true
For you are my land and you always will be

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Summer dreams weave magical scenes around stars that shine as angel's eyes
Scattered feelings of darkness and wonder I've glimpsed love the first time

Dancing in the moonlight, I fall into your eyes
Moon and stars above us, I realise
Love is all around us rising up to touch the sky
Lost in each other's eyes

Silent fields of summer lie sleeping

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I wake the morning sun, gold as the ring that I wore
Back when we woke as one, on a distant shore...
There life is blooming now, close by the wide oceans roar
If I could buy wings I'd fly to that distant shore

When you think of me, sing a heart-spun song
When it's over, sing it once more
When you dream of me, dream when I'll meet you
On that distant shore

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When you look up to follow the stars
Tell me what you see through your eyes
Sailing the sky to search your soul
I see a universe unfold...

We're far apart, you're here in my heart
Home thoughts and fond thoughts surround you
I've sailed the sky and now I know
Yours is the hand I long to hold

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作詞:Dawn Ann Thomas・日本語詞:ats-
作曲:Dawn Ann Thomas

If you haven't changed your mind
そばにいてほしいよ Tonight

幼すぎたの Every time I think about you baby
今なら言える I miss you

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作詞:Kenn Kato

Though I'm sill in love

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作詞:Kenn Kato
作曲:Hiroo Yamaguchi

What you gonna do, touch me baby
Am I in love, kiss me baby

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作詞:Kei Noguchi
作曲:Hayato Tanaka

心が見えなくて 不安な日もあった
誰かを愛する意味 自分なりに決めた

I promise you もう迷わない
強くなる... あなたに証すよ

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作曲:Hayato Tanaka

You don't know that I love you baby
wanna know that あなたの気持ち yeah oh
いつもふざけてwith you でもホンとは
oh baby boy, I need your love
ねぇ 待ってるのに
one-sided love

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Let me stay with you
何故こんなに 求めてしまう
Don't you know my heart

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作詞:Kei Noguchi
作曲:Kazuhiro Hara

孤独なドアの向こう so long 一人きり踏み出した朝
強がりな眼差しは to high ブレはしない
逃げないことがいつも no more 自由より大事だと I know
理解(わか)っていたから今 for you 戦うよ

君が祈る時は その手包み込むよ

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作詞:Yuna Ito・Micro
作曲:Ryohei Shimoyama・Micro・Yuna Ito

There are times in life when all you want to do is cry
You always got a friend baby don't you worry


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作詞:Sutsuka Hiwatari
作曲:Hayato Tanaka

鮮やか過ぎる 空の青さに
無くしたものが 全てじゃないと


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