開始的我 單純唱著歌
有時孤單 有時哼著快樂
最難忘的 全是你們
讓我總 不是一個人
後來我們 走遍了青春
目前分類:2011年7月歌詞 (3928)
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:12
張惠妹-你和我的時光 歌詞
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:11
唐飛-情定台西港 歌詞
惦在懷念的樓窗 銀河天星像情網
漁船滿載已回航 見景傷情心沉重
纏綿過去是心碎的夢 如今只有含淚的花叢
癡情的心不願空 叫阮怎樣去愛別人
阮是愛情的孤帆 一生的情留惦台西港
惦在懷念的樓窗 銀河天星像情網
漁船滿載已回航 見景傷情心沉重
纏綿過去是心碎的夢 如今只有含淚的花叢
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:11
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Avant Garden 歌詞
I had a friend who spoke of fate & he
knew of another place in space in time
he told of how me & my lady could look but we would never find
said if you please I beg your pardon
sometimes the things you see they just aint so
you life can be an avant garden
cause loves what makes your garden grow
the sun leads the way the moon lights the sky
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:10
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Drop Dead Gorgeous 歌詞
Totally out of control She owns me
I didn't know that she'd know She stoned me
I think I got it bad and I cant let it go
I thought & you'd be much better
All of the cashmere all orange & green
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
cleanly gardenia and black lessareen
she's naturally drop dead gorgeous
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:10
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Outta Your Head 歌詞
All the way back in history
how the girl thinks is a mystery
spent our lives cruising the bars
venus girls and the men from mars
So in all this time did you ever think do the girls sees red
when a man sees pink
and your best lovin is in the past and cause somewhere slow is nowhere fast
Your Outta your head
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:10
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Luv Lies 歌詞
ahh when you cross that line that you know you cant erase
to fall in lust not love ain't no sin at all
and tell me when your with your best friends
friend do you still feel out of place
no thanks I took that ride God only knows I tried believing
I imagine everyone sometimes
would cross their heart & hope to die to tell I love you lies
I imagine everyone survives for giving up
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:10
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Under My Skin 歌詞
You breathe I breathe you in
I like alot where you've been
I make you break the rules
You got e-rockticle cool
give a little bit get a little bit take it for a ride
when you push love so far away it eats you up inside
there's a girl living under my skin
there's this girl & she's wearing me thin
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:09
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Sunshine 歌詞
I sold my soul for a one night stand
I followed Alice into wonder land
I ate the mushroom and I dance with the queen
Yeah we dancing in between all the lines
I followed daylight right into the dark
Took to the hatter like a walk in the park
But then I met her yeah she felt so right
No shadow the night yeah it was she
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:09
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Trip Hoppin' 歌詞
I got a wild thing for you
Were talking hoops you got me jumping through
You got those lemon drop martini eyes
And if my karma suits you'd cross the line into another place & time
Tell me how pretty she is when she turns the colors of the rainbow
One more day with you Trip Hoppin
one more night with you no stoppin
ain't no smoking fantasy cause love you is trippin to me
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:09
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Fly Away From Here 歌詞
Gotta find a way
Yeah I can't wait another day
And nothin' gonna change
If we stay around here
Gotta do what it takes
Cause all in our hands
We all make mistakes, yeah
But it's never too late to start again
Take another breath
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:08
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Jaded 歌詞
You've got your mama's style but your yesterday's child to me
So Jaded
You think that's where it's at but is that where it's supposed to be?
You're gettin' it all over me
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:08
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Just Push Play 歌詞
She gave you a flower
The one that God gave her
You all up in the kool aid
But you do not know de flavor
Get into the zone baybee
And do yourself a favor
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:08
Aerosmith(史密斯飛船)-Beyond Beautiful 歌詞
you gave up the love you got & that is fact
she loves me now she loves you not and that where its at
cause when you thought your love was deep
finders keepers losers weep yeah
love my love my love du jour shes mine all mine
my minds made up ya i'm so sure because theres none so fine
the thing you found your losing sleep its all about the love you keep
yeahs shes beyond beautiful
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:08
AK-說妳也愛我 歌詞
作詞 吳易緯
*只剩我 在自問自答
卻把退路 都封殺
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:07
AK-李小龍 歌詞
五千年前的歷史文化 記載功夫門派幾種
武術裹的最原始法則 創立的人精神一統
看透功夫與人體合一 創下門派剛柔進攻
截拳道的擊剋摔技 反擊出龍最強的旋風
李小龍 時代的英雄
李小龍 一代的武術祖宗
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:07
井柏然-銀河所有的星星 歌詞
那麼愛 愛著你 那就抱吧別猶豫
等一下如果有風吹過 你飛走怎麼行
我絕對 我確定 要把幸福帶給你
第一天 第一眼 第一秒鐘就願意
為你完全打開我的心 讓你點石成金
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:07
井柏然-停不下來 歌詞
興奮像 小時候旅行前一晚
明天 像禮物 等我去打開
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:06
井柏然-情歌變的不好聽 歌詞
朋友約唱歌 聯絡感情
你傳來一個簡訊 選擇缺席
我不喝酒 不點歌曲 誰都不理
呆呆看著 歡樂人群 嘶吼情緒
公車好擁擠 你分外安靜
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:06
井柏然-不想放手 歌詞
拿起手機 找你笑容
越看越多 越想你越難過
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 13:05
井柏然-小小的我 歌詞
小小的我 小小寂寞
躺在屋頂上的我 偷偷憂愁的渡過
小小世界 只有你我
每晚臨睡前的我 習慣摟著你胳膊
不安或落寞 都有你牽著我