
目前分類:2011年7月歌詞 (3928)

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陪你吹熄燭光 替你張羅願望
希望我有榮幸 負責你今後每年的

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詞曲:深白色(Arys Chien)

(姚元浩)沒想過會再跟妳說好久不見 妳帶著我從來沒看過的笑臉 感覺像可以在天空自由的飛 好想說我很抱歉 當初愛情給我怎樣的錯覺

(合)Cause Everything I do is to show you I need you 我沒有想過愛得太深會是錯誤
And then you ran away You ran away You ran away You ran away You ran away from me baby 留下一片荒蕪 我無聲的哭

Oh Everything I do is to show you I love you 我沒有想過愛得愈深 妳愈痛苦

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妳將狀態換成寂寞 能不能讓我為妳填空
別一再而再釋放線索 讓危險的美麗成為渴求

三個未接來電之後 妳的身體弧線捆綁我
心底有種善妒在掏空 崩塌了我的宇宙

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擋不住 我愛上那種衝突 你讓我任由擺佈 管不了我曾難以馴服
擋不住 從心裡竄到舞步 你讓我掙脫束縛 只想展現我多 愛 愛 愛(公開宣布)

多想聽 你 你 你有疑惑 最好你問很多讓我說個夠 開始就到巔峰
愛能愛多久 愛要多麼濃 喜歡被逼迫 回答是承諾

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越來越想 愛上你 愛上你 越來越想 愛上你 愛上你
越來越想 愛上你 愛上你 越來越想 愛上你 愛上你

(小蜜桃)誰說每個人一定 都會對愛一見鍾情 明明就很討厭你 老愛跟我開玩笑的個性
貓捉老鼠的遊戲 是不是被你設計(就算是被你設計) 你總是會及時出現 讓我覺得很大心(都捉住了我的心)

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只要關於你 什麼事都不稀奇 有什麼毛病
義氣掛嘴邊 只是念一念(不過念一念而已) 當真可不行

到處炫耀你多專情 其實多花心 知不知道 其實每個人早就看在眼裡
是懶得對你不客氣 不是配合你 你還自以為你 搞得定(真的搞得定)

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腦子像杯咖啡 所以我不能睡 這個真不OK 讓我心心心碎
你帶來了天黑 吻到都是酸味 沒有辦法準備 讓你鼻子麻醉
跟著大鼓一直踢 我非常二十一世紀 Would you play some music please
我的風格超級未來 節奏超級厲害 大家超級的愛

oh 你的節奏 有一點slow 你跟不上我二十一世紀的tempo 想跟著我走 可是你在後面在等什麼

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勾魂的雙眼 早將我徹底催眠 那迷人曲線描繪出多心動的畫面
你的肌膚雪白到沒有一絲缺點 怎麼地球上能有人如此完美

gugi gugi gugi gugi (來來) 我要逗得你喜歡 ah 多點浪漫
gugi gugi gugi gugi (來來) 你用美麗在呼喚 ah 我的愛
I just want you Shining Diamond 請你聽聽我的告白 對你崇拜

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Mmhmn mmhmn
Lately when I look into your eyes i realize
You're the only one I need in my life
Baby I just don't know how to describe
How lovely you make me feel inside

You give me butterflyz
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflyz

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Here we go ladies and gentlemen
Past all of the technical difficulties
That we have lots for experience
I will let you into my laboratory filled with many things
Writing intentions, you see
Such as my typewriter in the corner
Let me show you to the window
So you can see what I see, you know

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If I was your woman
And you were my man
You'd have no other woman
You'd be weak as a lamb
If you had the strength
To walk out my door
My love would over rule my sense
And I'd call you back for more

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Ooh, yeah
Uh, you know, hey
You know you may think
That you know you got me under wraps, locks and keys and
And that without you I just, I'm gonna be lost
But I got somethin' else for you

Baby, I used to sit home waitin' for your call
I used to have your picture hangin' on my wall

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You can buy me diamonds and buy me pearls
Take me on a cruise around the world
A dozen roses 'cause I'm your girl
And you know I'm worth it (uh huh) worth it
Dinner lit by candles under sun
Run my bubble bath 'cause I'm the one
You want to love so tenderly
And you know I'm worth it (say what) I'm worth it

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If I gave you forever
Would you take care of me, yeah yeah? (wa-ooo)
Would you take me for granted,
Run away...

Those wonderful things that you do
They've got me feeling
In love wit chu
In love wit chu

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Right now I feel like a bird
Caged without a key
Everyone comes to stare at me
With so much joy and revelry

They don't know how I feel inside
Through my smile I cry
They dont know what they do to me
Keeping me from flyin

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Friends we've been for so long
Now true colors are showing
Makes me wanna cry oh yes it does
Cuz I had to say goodbye

By now I should know
That in time things must change
So it shouldn't be so bad
So why do I feel so sad

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Lately when I look into your eyes, I realise,
Your the only one I need in my life.
Baby I just don't know how to describe
How lovely you make me feel inside.

You give me Butterflyz,
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the Butterflyz.
You give me Butterflyz

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There will never come a day,
You will never hear me say,
That I want or need to be without you.

I wanna give my all.

Baby just hold me,
Simply control me,
Because your arms, they keep away the lonelys.

sgao0113 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Somethin' about the way you smiled at me just drove me wild
Wish I could know if you're alone, don't wanna cramp you style
But I cannot deny the feel that I feel when I look straight in through your eyes
Feel my heart beating fast for a challenge may rise

I wanna know if you feel the way I do (I do)
I wanna know if there's a chance for me and you (and you)
If there's no way, meet at the bar and you say can't (you can't)
Cuz I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be

sgao0113 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Alicia Keys - The Life
Everyday I realize that this might be the last day of my life
Walking down the street I find that
I'm coming closer and closer to losing my mind
'Cause when it rains, it pours
Isn't life worth more?
I don't even know what I'm hustlin' for
You've gotta do what you gotta do just to make it through
All the hard times that's going to face you

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