It's just a fraction of time,
Until we move into reverse,
Can feel the pressure and all the minds,
And the whole Universe.
Is it a question of force,
And a physical law,
We've had this battle a thousand times,
Never been here before,
Never been here before.
目前分類:2011年7月歌詞 (3928)
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:13
Take That(接招合唱團)-Affirmation(肯定) 歌詞
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:13
Take That(接招合唱團)-What Do You Want From Me ?(你要我怎麼做 ?) 歌詞
My greatest fear is
we're just wasting tears
wasting several years
still being round here
My greatest fear is
Maybe you will notice
I'm not what you wanted
after all these years
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:12
Take That(接招合唱團)-Underground Machine(地下機器) 歌詞
I, I'm just a piece of your pie chart
You're in a room with a rock star
Only I play the good parts of a kind heart
The sky's too low and the room's too dark
But she just carries on
And I get her in but her friend gets turned away
But what can I say?
When the boy meets girl and the girl meets boy
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:12
Take That(接招合唱團)-Happy Now(現在很開心) 歌詞
I get the feeling that we are being lied to,
There's a surge in my psychosis every turn of the screw
And I'm half awake in paisley print.
I can see the world clearly but I have to squint.
I am a supersonic specimen.
A minor miracle of medicine
I'm at the mercy of unwanted emotions.
Where nothing matters, beneath my thoughts
Beneath my thoughts is where it happens.
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:12
Take That(接招合唱團)-Pretty Things(美麗的東西) 歌詞
Down down let your crazy out
boys go crazy over you
grip like a new york window cleaner
just staring at you
Youth don't leave me, hair stay on me
god I love those hips
oh memory don't forsake me
not like this
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:11
Take That(接招合唱團)-Kidz(孩子) 歌詞
Kings and Queens and Presidents
Ministers of Governments
Welcome to the future of your world
Through talking heads that took liberties
The monkeys learnt to build machines
They think they'll get to heaven through the universe
They say nothing
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:11
Take That(接招合唱團)-Wait(等待) 歌詞
(Oh no! )
Turning into cannibals and everything
that she wants is made out of minerals
I don't know what I done she only speaks in subliminals
The reception here is lousy and the service is minimal
(Oh no! )
I live with an Eskimo I
(Swallowed! ) cause we become mechanical and
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:11
Take That(接招合唱團)-SOS(求救信號) 歌詞
Save our souls we're splitting atoms
Go tell Eve and go tell Adam
Liberate your sons and daughters
Some are gods and some are monsters
We'll get a five minute warning for divine intervention
With the satellites failing prepare for ascension
Under mind control
We'll be practising our politics
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:11
Take That(接招合唱團)-The Flood(驚濤駭浪) 歌詞
Standing, on the edge of forever,
At the start of whatever,
Shouting love at the world.
Back then, we were like cavemen,
We'd beam at the moon and the stars,
Then we forgave them.
We will meet you where the lights are,
The defenders, of the faith we are.
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:10
Take That(接招合唱團)-Don't Say Goodbye(別說再見) 歌詞
Don't stay where you are not loved
Those people obscure the view
But if I've done my job
They won't wanna mess with you
Finding some romances
A place where you exist
Live with your mother' smile
But see you through daddy's eyes
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:10
Take That(接招合唱團)-The Day The Work Is Done(完成之日) 歌詞
When all the work is done, the work is done
A place for everything til everything is in it's place
And every setting sun, when the work was done
Was a day that didn't go to waste
When all the work is done, it will be done
Producing everything for everything to be replaced
And in dirty towns we will settle down
Manufacture for the human race
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:10
Take That(接招合唱團)-Love Love(想愛就愛) 歌詞
You bring me right back down to the Earth from the Promised Land
We're getting close to the center of the Earth with an honest plan.
You'll never be your mother or your father do you understand?
Until you understand!
We don't have too much time here, and time it travels far too fast!
We're not too far we're turning, before they take it from our hands!
Why don't you teach your heart to fill, and give your love love,
Give your love love and give it all away;
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:10
Take That(接招合唱團)-Man(男人) 歌詞
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:09
Take That(接招合唱團)-When We Were Young(年少輕狂) 歌詞
When we were young the world seemed so old
Careless and cold
We did what we were told in our lives
When we were young
Had the world by the tail
Good would prevail
Starships at sail
And none of us would fail in this life
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:09
許廷鏗-螞蟻(國) 歌詞
填詞:劉卓輝 / 黃安弘
編曲:Johnny Yim
誰料 夢醒一刻已經分離 我和你
怨我營營役役 卻依然不能出人頭地
忙碌 無法呼吸清新的空氣
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:09
許廷鏗-逃犯(國) 歌詞
出走 國語版本
編曲:Johnny Yim
忘記你的嫵媚 卻忘不了 你為他流淚
我心中有一個缺 掏空了的熱情 也收不回
逃離安全範圍 思念在一直往前飛 一直在犯規
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:09
許廷鏗-留白 歌詞
作曲:Robert Lay
每個角落去搜覓 找你跟我的畫面
盼每步片段亦留住 我卻找不到
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:08
許廷鏗-臨時演員 歌詞
編曲:Johnny Yim
監製:Johnny Yim
劇場中 全都關上燈
你我他 盡心的演出戲份
如戲假 感覺卻太真
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:08
許廷鏗-他不好 歌詞
編曲:Johnny Yim
監製:Johnny Yim
真相 說白了 很不對
夜街裡撞破他 犯下情罪
一臉 自疚的心虛
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 21:08
許廷鏗-Be My Love 歌詞
編曲:Johnny Yim
監製:Johnny Yim
無限地貢獻 隨著每秒愛多點
任何事 為你去作打算
歡天喜地 伴你身邊